Law Office of Marguerite T. Friar LLC
P.O. Box 627
Columbia, CT 06237
Phone: (860) 228-9716
Fax: (877) 580-1917


Marguerite Therese FriarReviewsout of 12 reviews
  • Divorce and Family Law
  • Collaborative Divorce
  • Mediation
  • Child Custody and Visitation
  • Child Support and Alimony
  • Paternity Actions
  • Domestic Violence and Restraining Orders
  • Modifications
  • Premarital and Postmarital Agreements
  • Legal Separation
  • Property Division
  • Guardianships


The following organizations and books may be of help to you:


Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence
655 Winding Brook Dr.
Glastonbury, CT 060338
(860) 282-7899 or 1-800-281-1481 (CT only)
This is a statewide network of community based programs providing information, support, advocacy and shelter to domestic violence victims.

DivorceCare is a network of 13,000+ churches worldwide that offer divorce support groups. The program is nondenominational and is for people who are recovering from divorce or separation.

This is social group which has activities such as hiking, camping, picnics etc. as well as educational webinars.


Rebuilding: When Your Relationship Ends
by Bruce Fisher, Ph.D and Robert Alberti, Ph.D
A self help book that deals with the everyday feelings and problems of those going through a divorce. It contains a 19 step process for putting one’s life back together after a divorce.

The Divorce Recovery Sourcebook
by Dawn Bradley Berry, J.D.
This book discusses the emotional impact of divorce, the effects on children, legal matters, remarriage and blended families.

Helping Children Survive Divorce
by Archibald D. Hart, Ph.D
A book which provides specific ways to help children cope with the psychological and social difficulties surrounding their parents’ divorce.

The Truth About Children and Divorce: Dealing With the Emotions So You and Your Children Can Thrive
by Robert Emery, Ph.D
This book offers detailed scripts of what to say to children at different ages and in different situations, thoughts on different custody schedules and advice about establishing a co-parenting relationship.

What About the Kids? Raising Children Before, During and After Divorce
by Judith S. Wallerstein, Ph.D and Sandra Blakeslee
A book which explains the long term effects of divorce on children. It helps parents understand why children at different ages react the way that they do and tells parents in detail how to help their children.

Making Divorce Easier On Your Child: 50 Effective Ways to Help Children Adjust
by Nicholas Long, Ph.D and Rex Forehand, Ph.D
This book includes 50 proven strategies and action steps to help your children become well adjusted despite your divorce.

Helping Your Kids Cope With Divorce the Sandcastles Way
by M. Gary Neuman, L.M.H.C.
Based upon the Sandcastles program which has helped children cope with divorce, this book contains special activities and exercises to help you communicate and get closer to your children.

Mom’s House, Dad’s House: Making Two Homes for Your Child
by Isolina Ricci, Ph.D
A book to guide parents through the hassles and confusions of forming a strong, working relationship in order to make two loving homes for the children.


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DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is designed for general information only and should not be construed to be legal advice or the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. Areas of practice listed by Attorney Friar do not imply certification. Areas of practice offered by Attorney Friar may change from time to time, and Attorney Friar reserves the right to not take on a case. Results achieved in one case do not guarantee similar results in another case.

Copyright .Law Office of Marguerite T. Friar LLC. All rights reserved.
